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Ck2 patch free download
Ck2 patch free download

ck2 patch free download

Player needs to be a Nahua Aztec Count on Atlantic coast(not Scandinavia or Iceland) on game start. German and Italian cultures are split to their historical variations which can be united though special decisions and events by powerful imperial rulers.Likewise, powerful rulers who are part of very large dynasties but who not the head of that dynasty (and not closely related to him) may elect to start their own - particularly if they are Muslim, who will always start their own dynasty if not in the realm of thier dynasty head. A cadet system for younger brothers of very large dynasties to establish their own dynasties if they should ever inherit a title.The schism only occurs after the millenium if the right events occur prior to that, and can be prevented should a Patriarch Supreme be anointed. Catholic and Orthodox religions are united as Chalcedonian Christianity in the Old Gods, Charlemagne and Millenium bookmarks.These civil wars can be incredibly dangerous, as other factions can join in the war if the liege is unpopular. A completely overhauled factions system - rather than solely having factions which go to war with their liege as soon as they are strong enough, there are also "common interest" factions which consist of vassals who meet regularly and can reward a liege who's kept them happy or make demands of a liege with whom they're angry.and who can start a civil war if their liege doesn't comply.

Ck2 patch free download